AH LCG核心机制分析:关卡部分


鉴于AH LCG是PVE游戏,因此与pvp游戏可以把全部精力集中在角色和卡牌上不同,角色和卡牌应与环境紧密联合在一起进行分析。而对于AH LCG来说,环境就是不同的关卡。

由于不同的关卡有着不同的侧重点,并且一个剧本往往有着相对统一的主题, 因此若想获得详细且具体的内容就得针对特定剧本和关卡进行分析。而且由于网上没有现成的关卡数据统计,且自己只玩到一循环不想给自己剧透。因此本文只以基础版和一循环关卡为样本,整体简单分析关卡的设计要素。



  • 叙事内容:提供给玩家背景故事和结局叙事意义
  • 遭遇卡堆(Encounter):由X种不同类型的遭遇卡混合而成,并洗混构成一个卡组
  • 剧本卡(Scenario):基于难度决定特殊混沌符号的调整值和效果
  • 议程卡(Agenda):被动推进剧本进程
  • 行动卡(Act):玩家通过行动主动推进剧本进程的方式
  • 地点(Location):抽象地表现关卡的地图,提供给玩家角色移动和行动的环境和环境的连结
  • 初始设置:如何基于难度安派以上的各种元素
  • 结局处理:基于玩家的表现,决定关卡结束情况。提供给玩家的奖励、惩罚和需要记录的内容。以及判定支线任务完成情况
  • 特殊规则:专适用于此关卡的特殊规则




  • 子类别
  • 名称
  • 标签
  • 效果





The Gathering Midnight Masks The Devourer Below   Extracurricular Activity The House Always Wins Miskatonic Museum Essex County Express Blood on the Altar Undimensioned & Unseen Where Doom Awaits Lost in Time and Space
Rats Chilling Cold Ancient Evils   Sorcery Bad Luck Bad Luck The Beyond Dunwich Whippoorwills Beast-Thralls Sorcery
Ghouls Nightgaunts Striking Fear   The Beyond Naomi’s Crew Sorcery Striking Fear Whippoorwills Beast-Thralls Sorcery The Beyond
Striking Fear Dark Cult Ghouls   Bishop’s Thralls Rats The Beyond Ancient Evils Nightgaunts Dunwich Bishop’s Thralls Hideous Abominations
Ancient Evils Locked Doors Dark Cult   Whippoorwills Hideous Abominations Chilling Cold Dark Cult Ancient Evils Striking Fear Striking Fear Agents of Yog-Sothoth
Chilling Cold Cult of Umordhoth Agents of Shub-Niggurath   Ancient Evils Striking Fear Locked Doors   Naomi’s Crew   Ancient Evils  
    Agents of Hastur   Locked Doors           Chilling Cold  
    Agents of Yog-Sothoth   Agents of Yog-Sothoth           Hideous Abominations  
    Agents of C’thulhu                  














剧本名称 难度 归属 骷髅调整值 骷髅效果 邪教徒调整值 邪教徒效果 石板调整值 石板效果 古老者调整值 古老者效果
The Gathering 简/标 Core Set 基础 X X is the number of Ghoul enemies at your location. 1 If you fail, take 1 horror. 2 If there is a Ghoul enemy at your location, take 1 damage.    
The Midnight Masks 简/标 Core Set 基础 X X is the highest number of doom on a Cultist enemy in play. 2 Place 1 doom on the nearest Cultist enemy. 3 If you fail, place 1 of your clues on your location.    
The Devourer Below 简/标 Core Set 基础 X X is the number of Monster enemies in play. 2 Place 1 doom on the nearest enemy. 3 If there is a Monster enemy at your location, take 1 damage. 5 If there is an Ancient One enemy in play, reveal another token.
Extracurricular Activity 简/标 The Dunwich Legacy 1循 1 If you fail, discard the top 3 cards of your deck. 1 (-3 instead if there are 10 or more cards in your discard pile). X Discard the top 2 cards of your deck. X is the total printed cost of those discarded cards.    
The House Always Wins 简/标 The Dunwich Legacy 1循 2 You may spend 2 resources to treat this token as a 0, instead. 3 If you succeed, gain 3 resources. 2 If you fail, discard 3 resources.    
The Miskatonic Museum 简/标 The Dunwich Legacy 1循 1 (-3 instead if Hunting Horror is at your location.) 1 If you fail, search the encounter deck, discard pile, and the void for Hunting Horror and spawn it at your location, if able. 2 Return 1 of your clues to your current location. 3 If you fail, discard an asset you control.
Essex County Express 简/标 The Dunwich Legacy 1循 X X is the current Agenda #. 1 If you fail and it is your turn, lose all remaining actions and end your turn immediately. 2 Add 1 doom token to the nearest Cultist enemy. 3 If you fail, choose and discard a card from your hand.
Blood on the Altar 简/标 The Dunwich Legacy 1循 X -1 for each location in play with no encounter card underneath it (max -4). 2 If you fail, add 1 clue from the token pool to your location. 2 If you are in the Hidden Chamber, reveal another token. 3 If you fail, place 1 doom on the current agenda.
Undimensioned and Unseen 简/标 The Dunwich Legacy 1循 1 for each Brood of Yog-Sothoth in play. 0 Reveal another token. If you fail this test, take 1 horror. 0 You must either remove all clue tokens from a Brood of Yog-Sothoth in play, or this token’s modifier is -4 instead. 3 If this token is revealed during an attack or evasion attempt against a Brood of Yog-Sothoth, it immediately attacks you.
Where Doom Awaits 简/标 The Dunwich Legacy 1循 1 (-3 instead if you are at an Altered location). 0 Reveal another token. Cancel the effects and icons of each skill card committed to this test. 2 (-4 instead if it is Agenda 2). X Discard the top 2 cards of your deck. X is the total printed cost of those discarded cards.
Lost in Time and Space 简/标 The Dunwich Legacy 1循 X 1 for each Extradimensional location in play (max -5). 0 Reveal another token. If you fail, after this skill test, discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until a location is discarded. Put that location into play and move there. 3 If Yog-Sothoth is in play, it attacks you after this skill test. X X is the shroud value of your location. If you fail and your location is Extradimensional, discard it.
剧本名称 难度 归属 骷髅调整值 骷髅效果 邪教徒调整值 邪教徒效果 石板调整值 石板效果 古老者调整值 古老者效果
The Gathering 困/专 Core Set 2 If you fail, after this skill test, search the encounter deck and discard pile for a Ghoul enemy, and draw it. Shuffle the encounter deck. 0 Reveal another token. If you fail, take 2 horror. 4 If there is a Ghoul enemy at your location, take 1 damage and 1 horror.    
The Midnight Masks 困/专 Core Set X X is the total number of doom in play. 2 Place 1 doom on each Cultist enemy in play. If there are no Cultist enemies in play, reveal another token. 4 If you fail, place all your clues on your location.    
The Devourer Below 困/专 Core Set 3 If you fail, after this skill test, search the encounter deck and discard pile for a Monster enemy, and draw it. Shuffle the encounter deck. 4 Place 2 doom on the nearest enemy. 5 If there is a Monster enemy at your location, take 1 damage and 1 horror. 7 If there is an Ancient One enemy in play, reveal another token.
Extracurricular Activity 困/专 The Dunwich Legacy 2 If you fail, discard the top 5 cards of your deck. 1 (-5 instead if there are 10 or more cards in your discard pile). X Discard the top 3 cards of your deck. X is the total printed cost of those discarded cards.    
The House Always Wins 困/专 The Dunwich Legacy 3 You may spend 3 resources to treat this token as a 0, instead. 3 If you fail, discard 3 resources. 2 Discard 3 resources.    
The Miskatonic Museum 困/专 The Dunwich Legacy 2 (-4 instead if Hunting Horror is at your location.) 3 If you fail, search the encounter deck, discard pile, and the void for Hunting Horror and spawn it at your location, if able. 4 If Hunting Horror is at your location, it immediately attacks you. 5 If you fail, discard an asset you control.
Essex County Express 困/专 The Dunwich Legacy X X is 1 more than the current Agenda #. 0 Reveal another token. If you fail and it is your turn, lose all remaining actions and end your turn immediately. 4 Add 1 doom token to each Cultist enemy in play. 3 If you fail, choose and discard a card from your hand for each point you failed by.
Blood on the Altar 困/专 The Dunwich Legacy X 1 for each location in play with no encounter card underneath it. 4 If you fail, add 1 clue from the token pool to your location. 3 Reveal another token. 3 Place 1 doom on the current agenda.
Undimensioned and Unseen 困/专 The Dunwich Legacy X 2 for each Brood of Yog-Sothoth in play. 0 Reveal another token. If you fail this test, take 1 horror and 1 damage. 0 You must either remove all clue tokens from a Brood of Yog-Sothoth in play, or this test automatically fails. 5 If this token is revealed during an attack or evasion attempt against a Brood of Yog-Sothoth, it immediately attacks you.
Where Doom Awaits 困/专 The Dunwich Legacy 2 (-5 instead if you are at an Altered location). 0 Reveal another token. Cancel the effects and icons of each skill card committed to this test. 3 If it is Agenda 2, you automatically fail instead. X Discard the top 3 cards of your deck. X is the total printed cost of those discarded cards.
Lost in Time and Space 困/专 The Dunwich Legacy 1 1 for each Extradimensional location in play. 0 Reveal another token. After this skill test, discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until a location is discarded. Put that location into play and move there. 5 If Yog-Sothoth is in play, it attacks you after this skill test. X X is twice the shroud value of your location. If you fail and your location is Extradimensional, discard it.









以基础剧本简单/标准难度的设置,第一关石板标记效果是:-2,如果有食尸鬼敌人在你的地点,受到1点伤害(If there is a Ghoul enemy at your location, take 1 damage.)。到了第三关,即最后一关时,效果为:-3,如果有怪物敌人在你的地点,受到1点伤害。(If there is a Monster enemy at your location, take 1 damage.)







What's Going On?!

What's Going On?!



议程卡名称 剧本 关卡 顺位 推进值
What’s Going On?! 基础Core Set The Gathering 1 3
Rise of the Ghouls 基础Core Set The Gathering 2 7
They’re Getting Out! 基础Core Set The Gathering 3 10
Predator or Prey 基础Core Set The Midnight Masks 1 6
Time Is Running Short 基础Core Set The Midnight Masks 2 8
The Arkham Woods 基础Core Set The Devourer Below 1 4
The Ritual Begins 基础Core Set The Devourer Below 2 5
Vengeance Awaits 基础Core Set The Devourer Below 3 5
Quiet Halls 一循环 The Dunwich Legacy Extracurricular Activity 1 7
Dead of Night 一循环 The Dunwich Legacy Extracurricular Activity 2 3
The Beast Unleashed 一循环 The Dunwich Legacy Extracurricular Activity 3 2
The Clover Club 一循环 The Dunwich Legacy The House Always Wins 1 4
Underground Muscle 一循环 The Dunwich Legacy The House Always Wins 2 3
Chaos in the Clover Club 一循环 The Dunwich Legacy The House Always Wins 3 7
Restricted Access 一循环 The Dunwich Legacy The Miskatonic Museum 1 5
Shadows Deepen 一循环 The Dunwich Legacy The Miskatonic Museum 2 7
In Every Shadow 一循环 The Dunwich Legacy The Miskatonic Museum 3 7
A Tear in Reality 一循环 The Dunwich Legacy The Essex County Express 1 4
The Maw Widens 一循环 The Dunwich Legacy The Essex County Express 2 3
Rolling Backwards 一循环 The Dunwich Legacy The Essex County Express 3 4
Drawn In 一循环 The Dunwich Legacy The Essex County Express 4 3
Out of Time 一循环 The Dunwich Legacy The Essex County Express 5 3
Strange Disappearances 一循环 The Dunwich Legacy Blood On The Altar 1 6
The Old Ones Hunger 一循环 The Dunwich Legacy Blood On The Altar 2 6
Feed the Beast 一循环 The Dunwich Legacy Blood On The Altar 3 7
Rampaging Creatures 一循环 The Dunwich Legacy Undimensioned and Unseen 1 5
Biding Its Time 一循环 The Dunwich Legacy Undimensioned and Unseen 2 6
Horrors Unleashed 一循环 The Dunwich Legacy Undimensioned and Unseen 3 7
Calling Forth the Old Ones 一循环 The Dunwich Legacy Where Doom Awaits 1 12
Beckoning for Power 一循环 The Dunwich Legacy Where Doom Awaits 2 10
All is One 一循环 The Dunwich Legacy Lost in Time and Space 1 4
Past, Present and Future 一循环 The Dunwich Legacy Lost in Time and Space 2 4
Breaking Through 一循环 The Dunwich Legacy Lost in Time and Space 3 6
The End of All Things 一循环 The Dunwich Legacy Lost in Time and Space 4 2


剧本名 推进值 含AE 含DC
The Gathering 20  
The Midnight Masks 14  
The Devourer Below 14
Extracurricular Activity 12  
The House Always Wins 14    
The Miskatonic Museum 19    
The Essex County Express 17
Blood On The Altar 19  
Undimensioned and Unseen 18    
Where Doom Awaits 22  
Lost in Time and Space 16    


AE指代基础遭遇卡中的Ancient Evils,可以直接增加1个推进标记,且立刻检查是否会推进( Place 1 doom on the current agenda. This effect may cause the current agenda to advance.)。每抽出一张此卡,就相当于玩家少进行一回合时间。其他遭遇卡设计模板往往是抵消掉一名玩家的一到两个行动,而这张卡相当于让所有玩家失去所有行动。

DC指代基础遭遇卡中的Dark Cult系列。可以诞生含有推进标记的敌人,或能生成推进标记的敌人,或给现有敌人增加推进标记。虽然也很犯人,但若玩家能即使处理,则不会产生严重的负面影响。另外…DC和AE联动,会造成极度负面的体验。玩家可能什么都没做错,单纯 因为运气而输掉游戏。














  • 连结该地点的其他地点标记
  • 隐蔽值(shroud)
  • 线索数量(clues)
  • 效果
  • 虚拟层内容







Using wooden pieces to help visualize the links between locations. Looks like roads :)

BGG用户Jeremy Santiago 基于基础包剧本第二关摆设的路线图。




不过目前AH LCG的设计下,玩家获得的信息不足,而游戏的惩罚性又极度重。使得完全不知道一切信息前提下,只适合以标准难度开荒体验。如果想挑战更高难度或重返,就需要对信息有明确了解才能做出最有策略性的判断。在这方面上,机制层和虚拟层的冲突就会很剧烈。


