AH LCG整体数值分析-远古印记技能检定加值详细分析




Investigator elder sign addition elder sign effect
Survivor (8)    
“Ashcan” Pete: The Drifter 2 Ready Duke.
Calvin Wright: The Haunted 0 You may either heal 1 damage or horror, or take 1 direct damage or direct horror.
Patrice Hathaway: The Violinist 1 After this test ends, you may shuffle all but 1 card from your discard pile into your deck.
Rita Young: The Athlete 2 Until the end of the round, ignore the limit on the above Reaction triggered ability.
Silas Marsh: The Sailor 0 You may commit a skill from your discard pile to this test. After this test ends, return that skill to your hand instead of discarding it.
Stella Clark: The Letter Carrier 1 You may instead choose to automatically fail this skill test to heal 1 damage and 1 horror.
Wendy Adams: The Urchin 0 If Wendy’s Amulet is in play, you automatically succeed instead.
William Yorick: The Gravedigger 2 If this test is successful, return 1 card from your discard pile to your hand.
avg 1  
Seeker (9)    
Amanda Sharpe: The Student 0 For this test, you may double the number of skill icons on the card beneath Amanda Sharpe.
Daisy Walker: The Librarian 0 If you succeed, draw 1 card for each Tome you control.
Harvey Walters: The Professor 1 Draw 1 card.
Joe Diamond: The Private Investigator 1 You may move an Insight event from your discard pile to the bottom of your hunch deck.
Mandy Thompson: The Researcher 0 Search the top 3 cards of your deck for a card and either draw it or commit it to this test, if able. Shuffle your deck.
Minh Thi Phan: The Secretary 1 You may choose a skill card committed to this skill test to return to its owner’s hand after this test ends.
Norman Withers: The Astronomer * You may swap the top card of your deck with a card in your hand. X is the resource cost of the top card of your deck.
Rex Murphy: The Reporter 2 You may instead choose to automatically fail this skill test to draw 3 cards.
Ursula Downs: The Explorer 1 After this test ends, you may move to a connecting location.
avg 0.75  
Rogue (8)    
Finn Edwards: The Bootlegger 1 for each exhausted enemy in play. If you succeed by 2 or more, you may discover 1 clue at your location.
Jenny Barnes: The Dilettante * +1 for each resource you have.
Preston Fairmount: The Millionaire 0 You may spend 2 resources to automatically succeed, instead.
Sefina Rousseau: The Painter 3 You may choose an event beneath this card and draw it.
“Skids” O’Toole: The Ex-Con 2 If you succeed, gain 2 resources.
Tony Morgan: The Bounty Hunter 2 Place 1 bounty on Bounty Contracts.
Trish Scarborough: The Spy 2 If this is an investigation, you may choose any revealed location; you are now investigating as if you were at that location instead.
Winnifred Habbamock: The Aviatrix 1 After this test ends, for every 2 points you succeeded by, return a card you committed to this test to your hand.
avg 1.57  
Guardian (8)    
Carolyn Fern: The Psychologist 1 You may heal 1 horror from an investigator or Ally asset at your location.
Leo Anderson: The Expedition Leader 2 Search the top 3 cards of your deck for an Ally asset and draw it. Shuffle your deck.
Mark Harrigan: The Soldier * +1 for each damage on Mark Harrigan.
Nathanial Cho: The Boxer 1 If this skill test is successful during an attack, return an event from your discard pile to your hand.
Sister Mary: The Nun 1 If you succeed, add 1 bless token to the chaos bag.
Tommy Muldoon: The Rookie Cop 2 You may move up to 2 damage and/or horror from Tommy Muldoon to an asset you control, or vice versa.
Roland Banks: The Fed * .+1 for each clue on your location.
Zoey Samaras: The Chef 1 If this skill test is successful during an attack, that attack deals +1 damage.
avg 1.33  
Mystic (9)    
Agnes Baker: The Waitress * +1 for each horror on Agnes Baker.
Akachi Onyele: The Shaman 1 Add 1 charge to an asset with “uses (charges)” you control.
Dexter Drake: The Magician 2 You may return an asset from your play area to your hand. Then, draw 1 card.
Diana Stanley: The Redeemed Cultist 2 You may choose a card beneath Diana Stanley and add it to your hand.
Father Mateo: The Priest * You automatically succeed. After this test ends, either (choose one): - Draw 1 card and gain 1 resource. - If it is your turn, you may take an additional action this turn.
Jaqueline Fine: The Psychic 1 If this effect is canceled or ignored, draw 1 card.
Jim Culver: The Musician 1  
Luke Robinson: The Dreamer 1 Place 1 charge on Gate Box.
Marie Lambeau: The Entertainer 1 You may add 1 doom to or remove 1 doom from a card you control.
avg 1.29  
Lola Hayes: The Actress 2 You may switch roles.



  0 1 2 *
数量 7 17 12 6




在统计中,一多半是+1或+0,但+2的也不算少数,还有一位角色+3(Sefina Rousseau: The Painter)。由于这名+3的角色是绿色派系,而这个派系有很多超出成功值较多时有额外奖励的卡牌,因此也能理解。实际上,抛去*类型,基于平均值来比较,最高的远古印记检定调整值就是绿色阵营,为1.57.


1.57 1.33 1.29 1 0.75


  • Agnes Baker: The Waitress,紫色阵营,每1点精神伤害+1。该角色和该阵营SAN值较高,且该角色技能也有联动,可以在受到精神伤害后反伤
  • Mark Harrigan: The Soldier,蓝色阵营,每1点肉体伤害+1。该角色和该阵营HP值较高,且该角色技能也有联动,可以在受到肉体伤害后摸牌
  • Roland Banks: The Fed,蓝色阵营,该角色所在地点每有一个线索+1。这个效果是最不稳定且不可控,且该角色能力是干掉敌人获得线索。好处是该角色会经常去有线索的地方来发挥用处,但抽到远古印记时未必有悬索。
  • Jenny Barnes: The Dilettante,绿色阵营,每1点资源+1,该角色阵营很容易获得资源,且该角色技能让该角色额外获得资源


  • Father Mateo: The Priest,紫色阵营,直接成功。并且检定结束后还有额外奖励。鉴于该角色比较白板,一局一次可以把一个检定token视为远古印记。主要build方向就是尽可能多抽远古印记标记,所以效果格外强大。
  • Norman Withers: The Astronomer,黄色阵营,可以把牌库顶的牌和手牌的一张互换,加值为原牌顶牌费用。由于通常不会基于抽到远古印记而考虑,因此该效果更多是附带的,并且让玩家有个选择。尤其该角色可以每回合-1费打出牌库顶牌时,可以把确定要在下回合打出的牌换上来,而不是用原来的牌。
