AH LCG数值分析:基础缺陷卡数值分析




  • Revelation:当这张牌进入手牌时生效
  • Permanent:只要这张牌在卡组里就生效
  • 主动使用:该牌抽到后正常加入手牌,需要玩家主动打出使用


  • 立刻执行:抽到后立刻生效并结算效果
  • 持续效果:抽到后提供debuff,并且有办法直接清除
  • 永久持续:抽到后提供debuff,并且无法直接清除
  • 剧本积累:在满足条件后,该卡会进化成衍生卡,并在进化的最后有极其可怕的效果(通常导致直接死亡)
  • 敌人:抽到后按照要求生出一个敌人
  • 费用:对于主动使用起效方式的基础缺陷卡,需要支付对应的费用
名称 标签 出处 类型 起效方式 起效类型 效果
Amnesia Madness. Core Set Treachery Revelation 立刻执行 Choose and discard all but 1 card from your hand.
Paranoia Madness. Core Set Treachery Revelation 立刻执行 Discard all your resources.
Haunted Curse. Core Set Treachery Revelation 持续效果 Add Haunted to your threat area. You get -1 to each of your skills.2行动弃掉
Psychosis Madness. Core Set Treachery Revelation 持续效果 Add Psychosis to your threat area. Forced - After you take 1 or more horror: Take 1 direct damage. 2行动弃掉
Hypochondria Madness. Core Set Treachery Revelation 持续效果 Add Hypochondria to your threat area.Forced - After you take 1 or more damage: Take 1 direct horror.2行动弃掉
Mob Enforcer Humanoid. Criminal. Core Set Enemy Revelation 敌人 Fight: 4. Health: 3. Evade: 3.Damage: 1. Horror: 0.Prey - Bearer only.Hunter.行动:Spend 4 resources: Parley. Discard Mob Enforcer.
Silver Twilight Acolyte Humanoid. Cultist. Silver Twilight. Core Set Enemy Revelation 敌人 Fight: 2. Health: 3. Evade: 3.Damage: 1. Horror: 0Prey - Bearer only.Hunter.Forced - After Silver Twilight Acolyte attacks: Place 1 doom on the current agenda.
Stubborn Detective Humanoid. Detective. Core Set Enemy Revelation 敌人 Fight: 3. Health: 2. Evade: 2.Damage: 1. Horror: 0.Prey - Bearer only.Hunter.While Stubborn Detective is at your location, treat your investigator as if his or her printed text box were blank (except for Traits).
Indebted Flaw. The Dunwich Legacy Treachery Permanent.   You start each game with 2 fewer resources.
Internal Injury Injury. The Dunwich Legacy Treachery Revelation 持续效果 Place Internal Injury into play in your threat area.Forced - At the end of your turn: Take 1 direct damage.2行动弃掉
Chronophobia Madness. The Dunwich Legacy Treachery Revelation 持续效果 Place Chronophobia into play in your threat area.At the end of your turn: Take 1 direct horror.2行动弃掉
Overzealous Flaw. The Path to Carcosa Treachery Revelation 立刻执行 Draw the top card of the encounter deck. That card gains surge.
Drawing the Sign Pact. Madness. The Path to Carcosa Treachery Revelation 持续效果 Put Drawing the Sign into play in your threat area.Your maximum hand size is reduced by 5 while checking your hand size during the upkeep phase.2行动弃掉
The Thing That Follows Monster. Curse. The Path to Carcosa Enemy Revelation 敌人 Fight: 3. Health: 2. Evade: 3.Damage: 1. Horror: 1.Spawn - Location farthest from you.Prey - Bearer only.Hunter.Forced - When The Thing That Follows would be defeated: Instead shuffle it into its bearer’s deck.
Dark Pact Pact. The Forgotten Age Event 主动使用 2费 需多人Deal 2 damage to an investigator at your location.Forced - When the game ends or you are eliminated, if Dark Pact is still in your hand: Remove Dark Pact from your deck. Search the collection for The Price of Failure and add it to your deck.
Doomed Curse. The Forgotten Age Treachery Revelation 剧本积累 需剧本模式:Take 1 horror. In your Campaign Log, under your investigator’s earned story assets/weaknesses, record that “doom approaches.” If this was already recorded, remove Doomed from your deck, search the collection for Accursed Fate, and place it on the bottom of your deck.
The Tower • XVI: Circumstances Beyond Your Control Omen. Tarot. The Circle Undone Asset 主动使用 4费 塔罗牌槽-You cannot commit cards to skill tests while The Tower • XVI is in your hand.If The Tower • XVI is drawn in your opening hand during setup (before or after taking a mulligan), you cannot replace it. It must stay in your opening hand.
The 13th Vision Omen. The Circle Undone Treachery Revelation 持续效果 Put The 13th Vision into play in your threat area.Investigators at your location fail ties during skill tests.2行动弃掉
Kleptomania Madness. Talent. The Dream-Eaters Asset Revelation 持续效果 无槽-需多人: Put Kleptomania into play in your play area.行动:: Take control of an Item asset or 2 resources from another investigator at your location. Then, shuffle Kleptomania into your deck.Forced - At the end of your turn: Take 1 horror.
Self-Centered Flaw. The Dream-Eaters Treachery Revelation 持续效果 需多人:Put Self-Centered into play in your threat area.You cannot commit cards to other investigators’ skill tests or affect other investigators with player card effects (except aspects that cause damage or horror).2行动弃掉
Narcolepsy Madness. The Dream-Eaters Treachery Revelation 持续效果 需多人:Put Narcolepsy into play in your threat area.You cannot take actions, trigger abilities, or play cards.1行动弃掉Forced - After you take damage or horror: Discard Narcolepsy.
Your Worst Nightmare Monster. The Dream-Eaters Enemy Revelation 敌人 Fight: 2. Health: 3. Evade: 2.Damage: –. Horror: 2.Multiplayer only.Hunter.Prey - Bearer only.The bearer of Your Worst Nightmare cannot attack, damage, or defeat it.
Dread Curse Curse. The Innsmouth Conspiracy Treachery Revelation 永久持续 Add 5 诅咒 tokens to the chaos bag.
Day of Reckoning Endtimes. The Innsmouth Conspiracy Treachery Revelation 持续效果 Attach Day of Reckoning to the current agenda. Then, search the chaos bag for an 远古印记 token and seal it on Day of Reckoning.
Accursed Follower Humanoid. Cultist. Cursed. The Innsmouth Conspiracy Enemy Revelation 敌人 Fight: 2. Health: 2. Evade: 2.Damage: 1. Horror: 1.Spawn - Location farthest from you.Aloof.Forced - At the end of the enemy phase: Add 1 诅咒 token to the chaos bag.
Through the Gates Pact. Mystery. Return to the Dunwich Legacy Treachery Revelation 永久持续 Draw the top card of your deck. If it is not a weakness, remove that card from the game. Then, search your deck, discard pile, hand, and all play areas for each other copy of that card you own, and remove them from the game, as well.
Unspeakable Oath (Bloodthirst) Madness. Pact. Return to the Path to Carcosa Treachery Revelation 持续效果 需剧本模式:Peril. Hidden. Secretly add this card to your hand.Forced - When the game ends or you are eliminated, if this card is in your hand: You earn 2 fewer experience.When you deal damage to an enemy in excess of its remaining health: Discard this card from your hand.
Unspeakable Oath (Curiosity) Madness. Pact. Return to the Path to Carcosa Treachery Revelation 持续效果 需剧本模式:Peril. Hidden. Secretly add this card to your hand.Forced - When the game ends or you are eliminated, if this card is in your hand: You earn 2 fewer experience.After you successfully investigate a location with no clues on it: Discard this card from your hand.
Unspeakable Oath (Cowardice) Madness. Pact. Return to the Path to Carcosa Treachery Revelation 持续效果 需剧本模式:Peril. Hidden.Secretly add this card to your hand.When the game ends or you are eliminated, if this card is in your hand: You earn 2 fewer experience.行动Evade. Use only on an exhausted unengaged enemy at your location. If you succeed, discard this card from your hand.
Dendromorphosis: “Natural” Transformation Curse. Flora. Return to the Forgotten Age Asset Revelation 持续效果 2手槽-Health: 1. Sanity: –.Put Dendromorphosis into play in your threat area. It cannot leave play while it has no damage on it. 快速行动Take 1 direct damage: Deal 1 damage to Dendromorphosis.
Offer You Cannot Refuse Pact. Return to the Forgotten Age Treachery Revelation 立刻执行 需剧本模式:When you become the bearer of this weakness, gain 2 experience. Lose 5 resources. If you cannot, instead remove Offer You Cannot Refuse from your deck, search the collection for Fine Print, and place it in your discard pile.
Self-Destructive Flaw. Nathaniel Cho Treachery Revelation 持续效果 Put Self-Destructive into play in your threat area. When you deal 1 or more damage to an enemy: Take 1 damage.2行动弃掉
Obsessive Flaw. Harvey Walters Treachery Revelation 持续效果 Put Obsessive into play in your threat area.Forced - When your turn begins: Discard 1 non-weakness card at random from your hand.2行动弃掉
Nihilism Madness. Jacqueline Fine Treachery Revelation 永久持续 Put Nihilism into play in your threat area.Forced - After you reveal, cancel, or ignore an token: Take 1 damage and 1 horror.
Atychiphobia Madness. Stella Clark Treachery Revelation 持续效果 Put Atychiphobia into play in your threat area.After you fail a skill test: Take 1 horror.2行动弃掉
Reckless Flaw. Winifred Habbamock Treachery 主动使用 0费 Commit only to a skill test you are performing (of any type) that has no other cards committed to it. Other cards cannot be committed to this skill test.If this test fails, return this skill to your hand.Forced - If Reckless is in your hand at the end of your turn: Reveal it and lose 2 resources.
Fine Print Pact. Offer You Cannot Refuse衍生 衍生weakness Revelation 立刻执行 Lose 7 resources. If you cannot, instead remove Fine Print from your deck, search the collection for Sell Your Soul, and place it in your discard pile.
Sell Your Soul Pact. Fine Print衍生 衍生weakness Revelation 立刻执行 Lose 10 resources. If you cannot, your dark patron tears your consciousness from your body. You are driven insane.
Accursed Fate Curse. Doomed衍生 衍生weakness Revelation 立刻执行 Take 2 horror. In your Campaign Log, under your investigator’s earned story assets/weaknesses, record that “the hour is nigh.” If this was already recorded, remove Accursed Fate from your deck, search the collection for The Bell Tolls, and place it on the bottom of your deck.
The Bell Tolls Curse. Accursed Fate衍生 衍生weakness Revelation 立刻执行 Revelation - The hour of your demise has arrived. You are killed.
The Price of Failure Pact. Dark Pact衍生 衍生weakness Revelation 立刻执行 Take 2 damage and 2 horror. Place 1 doom on the current agenda (this effect can cause the current agenda to advance). Remove The Price of Failure from your deck. Search the collection for Dark Pact and place it in your discard pile.



  • 危害随当前情况动态变化,有时无足轻重,有时则能直接要命。
  • 危害随玩家套路相关,有时可以直接对一个套路造成致命性破坏。
  • 在策略地进行游戏时,危害可想办法尽可能降低。




  • 玩家在后续升级时,需要考虑到基础缺陷卡带来的负面影响。
  • 玩家在构筑卡牌库时,需要考虑到过牌倾向的牌组会有额外的问题。
  • 玩家在游戏中执行行动时,主动摸牌会增加摸到缺陷卡的可能性,也尽可能别用最后的行动点摸牌。
  • 玩家在游戏中,可以通过办法提前在安全环境下找出缺陷卡并解决掉,避免后续风险。


  • 基础缺陷卡的设计不仅仅让AH LCG更像克苏鲁背景的游戏,而不是超级英雄杀克苏鲁皮。包括缺陷卡在内,玩家在游戏中大量精力都需要放在如何规避损失,而非单纯考虑获取收益。



  • 当前的规则让玩家彻底构筑完卡组,进行游戏前完全随机获得一张缺陷卡。
  • 由于缺陷卡极度依赖环境,如果运气不好,可能一张缺陷卡就使得整个构筑思路废掉。不仅带来极度负面的体验,也没有给游戏带来任何深度,只是单纯开局运气不好就无法进行游戏。尤其在当前基础缺陷卡的卡池越来越深,覆盖的可能性也越来越大,玩家不可能针对性地基于基础缺陷卡可能出现什么而特意构筑。尤其在高难度下,本来卡组构筑就需要精打细算,更不会匀出极小概率事件的应急。
  • 因此,玩家完全可以刷起始,刷到自己满意的基础缺陷卡,可这没有任何意思而且也没意义。而且随着游戏进程,只会加入更多的缺陷卡。
  • 此外,AH LCG不会像电子游戏中类爬塔游戏,拿到缺陷卡大多可以移除而且缺陷卡也效果不强,因此采用彻底随机加入的方式不会有影响。对于AH LCG,在标准难度下(困难不敢说,专家的话运气成分太重),尽管运气成分一直会影响游戏进行,但大多是体现深度的一部分,玩家可以策略性管控风险收益。会出现小部分情况,单纯因为运气过于糟糕,策略也无法弥补回来。玩家完全可以重新开始关卡,再进行挑战。可对于随机抽缺陷卡,可能直接毁了后续剧本的继续游戏体验,而且本身也无任何风险管控的办法。换句话说:单纯通过运气恶心人,却没带来深度。
  • 因此,个人建议可以基于情况,选择以下的方式进行游戏
    • 当构筑牌库时,选择一张基础缺陷卡
    • 对于专家玩家且为了避免绝对优势策略,当构筑牌库时,抽2/3张缺陷卡选1张
    • 任何情况下游戏要求抽取基础缺陷卡时,抽2/3张缺陷卡选1张
